a few tid bits about
Chris Canote
Where I Started
To Now
My name is
Christopher Canote
Chris Canote is a professional videographer living near the Midwest’s quirky classic country music capital: Branson, MO. As a multi-disciplinary visual artist, musician and designer, Chris brings an undeniably distinct style to every project. His unique aesthetic spans decades and bends genres, reaching out across the internet to garner millions of followers, fans and views across multiple platforms. Chris’s work on and offline has led to many honors for which he feels truly grateful, including various pieces of interesting publicity, awards and accolades and high-profile work. Below are just a few.
Use the purple Left/Right arrows to view more of Chris’s unique high-profile work, publicity and awards.
1 of 1SATO-Masochistic
Friends in High Places
Missouri's Best
Star-studded Documentary
SWAY Chris's Way
No Interview Like a Canote Interview
“To continue to bring my clients the best in my skills, in order to make my clients stand out against the rest.”
With experience in Commercial, Promotional, Real Estate, Live Production, Weddings and more, Chris would love to help bring your passion into the spotlight. Take a look around and see if there is anything he can do for you!